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Student Research - The Lieberman Award

Lieberman Student Research award

IR Department Lieberman Student Research Award
*restricted to IR Majors and Minors



 This program has several options to support student research: 
1) Presentation option – Direct research funding to support approved student participation in a conference, workshop or program where students present original International Relations research. The Lieberman Student Research Award will reimburse a portion of or all of the student’s expenses for this purpose. 
2) Thesis option – Graduation award of up to $2,000 for approved students who successfully complete a senior thesis. 
3) Junior Semester Abroad option – to support travel and research expenses for approved students doing a junior semester abroad, if they conduct original research and write a research paper during that time). The student needs to enlist a professor in the department to supervise the research. 


In each case, the student needs to apply to the department in advance to determine eligibility. The awards are competitive and only a few will be awarded in any given year.

  • Applications for option 1 will be evaluated on a rolling basis. 
  • Applications for options 2 & 3 should be submitted at the start of the semester but will be received on a rolling basis.
  •  Applicants must submit a 1-page summary of the proposed project, a transcript, and a letter of support from the IR professor supervising the project. 
  • Applications should be submitted to Edann Brady, IR Department Coordinator (