Most broadly, my research concerns the impacts of global and regional economic integration on people’s day to day lives. Trade, foreign direct investment, and global supply chains create both winners and losers, and I am motivated by understanding how the gains and losses from the global economy cut across social categories, particularly class and gender. My work advances the global political economy literature on the domestic politics of economic globalization, and it sheds light on how different forms of globalization may have more or less equitable effects on individuals. My current book project investigates the rise of corporate lobbying power at the expense of labor power in the US and European Union and how it is related to shifting trade patterns (specifically, the rise of intra-industry trade among developed economies). Another project explores the effects of economic integration on female labor force participation in developed versus developing countries. Recently, I have begun two research projects on regional integration in Latin America. I am interested in Latin America because it provides insights into where we might locate sites of global resistance to industrialized country insistence on trade discipline above human rights, development and environmental concerns.

Mary Anne Madeira
Assistant Professor
PhD, Political Science, University of Washington, 2013
MSc, International and European Politics, University of Edinburgh, 2005
BS, Political Science, Johns Hopkins University, 2003
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Research Statement
Mary Anne Madeira is an assistant professor of International Relations at Lehigh University. She is the author, with James Caporaso, of Globalization, Institutions and Governance (SAGE, 2012). She studies the global political economy, and is particularly interested in the domestic politics of international trade, the role of women in economic globalization, and regional integration in Europe and Latin America. Her work has been published in International Studies Quarterly, Review of International Political Economy, and in other journals. She is completing a book manuscript on the domestic political effects of intra-industry trade in developed economies. Dr. Madeira holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Washington.
Madeira, Mary Anne. 2022. “The Defeminizing Reversal: Globalization, Industrial Upgrading and Female Labor Force Participation.” International Studies Quarterly 66(3).
Madeira, Mary Anne. 2018. “The Politics of TTIP in the US: American Industry, Labor and Public Positions on Transatlantic Trade.” Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies 16(1): 31-53.
Madeira, Mary Anne. 2016. “New Trade, New Politics: Intra-Industry Trade and Domestic Political Coalitions.” Review of International Political Economy 23(4): 677-711.
Madeira, Mary Anne. 2014. “Regionalization and National Social Policies.” Research and Politics 1(3): 1-9.
Caporaso, James A. and Mary Anne Madeira. 2012. Globalization, Institutions and Governance. London: SAGE.
IR10 - Introduction to World Politics
IR097 - Sex, Power and International Politics
IR223 - Work and Labor in a Global Economy
IR322 - Poverty and Development
Professor Madeira won Lehigh University’s Stabler Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2023.