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Textor Book Manuscript Workshop


The International Relations (IR) Textor Manuscript Workshop seeks to help scholars make their book manuscripts as strong as possible prior to submission for publication. The authors may consider this opportunity when they have a nearly completed manuscript ready for an intensive review by external experts. 

The IR Textor Manuscript Workshop will invite three distinguished scholars to review the manuscript in a day-long discussion with the author and interested Lehigh faculty. Expert review and discussion are highly productive ways to improve and perfect the manuscripts and make them ready for a successful submission to the press. 

Scholars from North America with nearly complete book manuscripts relating to international security, international institutions, or international political economy may apply. Priority will be given to Lehigh faculty. 

How to Apply

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. To apply, please email Ms. Edann Brady ( with your proposed book description, state of completion, a sample chapter, intended publisher, as well as your proposed timing for the manuscript completion.